Root canals are one of the more common ways to deal with, and save, an infected tooth. When the tooth's pulp or nerve tissue becomes infected, it is necessary to remove it before endangering the rest of the tooth. This treatment aims to save the tooth, instead of extracting it, and avoids using dental implants or prosthetic teeth.

The Root Canal procedure

Root Canal therapy simply is a procedure of mechanically, chemically and ultrasonically internally sterilising the inside of the infected tooth.

The root canal and chamber is then filled with a biocompatible material and sealed to prevent further infection. Depending on the state of your tooth, a crown is usually recommended to reinforce the tooth and prevent further cracking.

As your Dentist at City Smile Dr Canceri uses the latest technology in nickle titanium rotary system in combination with internal chemical and ultrasonic treatment which is the only system which ensures the best result in treating an infected tooth. This procedure is adopted by all specialist but unfortunately not all dentists. Here at City Smile, we adopt specialist protocols and have the highest standards in sterilisation procedures as we only use one set of instruments per patient.

Root canal therapy is a somewhat invasive dental procedure, and we do everything we can to ensure a pain-free experience in our dental surgery. We use local anesthesia so you don't feel any pain during your treatment, and can use Nitrous Oxide for the nervous patient.

All Dr Canceri patients comment how painless the procedure actually is.

For more information

If you would like to know more and to make a dentist appointment, you can call our office at (02) 9269 1592 or fill out our contact request form and our gentle dental staff will be happy to help you.